
Hi there!

Welcome to my blog! This site is essentially a tour of my brain, so make yourselves comfy. You’re gonna find a lot of diverse word vomiting here- pieces of writing, rants and possibly the occasional fangirling over the newest Waterparks album. You’re invited to follow along.

“Pointless curses, nonsense verses

You’ll see purpose start to surface”

Kitchen Sink, Twenty One Pilots

Latest from the Blog

Alien. Abnormal. Asexual.

//TW MENTIONS OF SA, R*PE “Alternate title ‘being not normal”. “Well have fun being the most saddest human being to ever exist in your miserable life”. These comments, along with 20,000 dislikes, are just some of the reactions Jaiden Animations, a popular YouTuber received on coming out as aromantic and asexual in a video that…

The madness of the multiverse

Creators love creating universes, and fans love participating in them. As time goes on, these universes (obviously) expand, with more characters and more lore. But how far is too far? The Marvel phenomenon The MCU is probably my biggest trigger for this question. Every time a new Marvel movie comes out, we all know at…

The whole circus

Retrospect is one of her worst enemies. Really makes one realise how foolish they were being. Running through hours, labouring over people who weren’t worth it, Recognising later how pointless the whole endeavour is. She’d spent too long in this pretentious carnival, Self-accusing, self-hating for no reason at all. She looked like she was having…

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